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Areštuota 12 asmenų, įtariamų stambaus masto elektroniniu sukčiavimu

Publikuota: 2006-02-24 15:27
Tematika: Kompiuterija
Inf. šaltinis: eSecurity.lt

Antradienį Amsterdame ir Zaadame Vokietijos policija suėmė dvylika Nigerijos piliečių, kurie įtariami sukčiavimo trikampio organizavimu.

Šie žmonės yra siejami su elektroniniu paštu platinamais sukčiavimo laiškais (angl. email scam). Žmonės, gavę šiuos laiškus, raginami investuoti į netikras verslo schemas. Informaciniame pranešime yra teigiama, kad tokiu būdu daugiausiai nukentėjo Jungtinių Tautų piliečiai, patyrę apie du milijonus dolerių nuostolingų investicijų.

Reidų metu, Vokietijos policija areštavo kompiuterius, suklastotus kelionių dokumentus ir apie 30 000 dolerių.

Grupuotė vadinama „419 frauds“ plagijavo visas internete naudojamų finansinių trazakcijų dokumentų rūšis, todėl šis įvykis turėtų būti aiškus įspėjimas veliantis į „netikėtų“ pasiūlymų verslą.

Apačioje pateikiame pavyzdinį elektronio pašto lašką:

Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 15:03:44 +0100 
To: John.Doe@example.com 
Reply-To: bibialora1@example.com 

Dear Sir, 


I write to inform you of my desire to acquire estates or landed
 properties in 
your country on behalf of the Director of Contracts and 
Finance Allocations of the Federal Ministry of 
Works and Housing in Nigeria. 

Considering his very strategic and influential position, 
he would want the 
transaction to be as strictly confidential as possible. 
He further wants his 
identity to remain undisclosed at least for now, 
until the completion of the transaction. 
Hence our desire to have an overseas agent. 

I have therefore been directed to inquire if you would agree to act 
as our 
overseas agent in order 
to actualize this transaction. 

The deal, in brief, is that the funds with which we intend to carry out our 
proposed investments in your country is presently in a coded account 
at the Nigerian Apex Bank (i.e. the Central Bank of Nigeria) and 
we need your assistance to transfer the funds to your country 
in a convenient bank account that will be
provided by you before we can put the funds into use in your country. 
For this, you shall be considered to have executed 
a contract for the Federal Ministry of Works 
and Housing in Nigeria for which payment 
should be effected to you by the Ministry, 
The contract sum of which shall run into US$26.4 Million, of which your 
share shall be 30% if you agree to be our overseas agent. 

As soon as payment is effected, and the amount mentioned above is 
successfully transferred into your account, we intend to use our own 
share in acquiring some estates abroad. 
For this too you shall also serve as our agent. 

In the light of this, I would like you to forward to me 
the following information: 

1. Your company name and address if any
2. Your personal fax number
3. Your personal telephone number for easy communication. 

You are requested to communicate your acceptance of this proposal 
through my above stated email address after which we shall 
discuss in details the modalities for seeing this transaction through. 

Your quick response will be highly appreciated. 
Thank you in anticipation of your cooperation. 

Yours faithfully,

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